3 Steps to Mormon Girl’s Eating Disorder Recovery

3 Steps to Mormon Girl’s Eating Disorder Recovery

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The Eating Disorder Recovery Journey is not easy.

My mission Homecoming, 2012

By the time I got home from my mission, the eating disorder had it’s claws latched into me.

For me, having an eating disorder was like having a very loud and obnoxious little demon on my shoulder, constantly reminding me that I was no good.

Eventually, it was all I could hear.

Eating disorders kill your metabolism, self esteem, and self worth. Needless to say, I was not happy during my eating disorder days.

I was under the impression that as soon as I got home from my mission, I would be able to kick the habit. But I wasn’t. It followed me home and right back into school. Finally, I recognized that I needed professional help.

One day, I approached my dad and said, “Dad, I have an eating disorder, and I’m having a hard time overcoming it.”

“Okay,” he said. “You find a therapist, and I’ll pay for it until you are doing better.” It was the best response I could have hoped for.

Me and my dad at my graduation, 2014

Recovery is different for everyone.

My eating disorder recovery was possible because of these three steps. I hope they can help you too!

Step #1: Therapy

The next day, I started searching for a therapist that specialized in eating disorder recovery.

I found it important to pick a specialist that was partnered with a nutritionist, so I could learn how to better nourish my body.

After interviewing a few therapists and picking one, I was finally able to start getting the professional treatment I needed. This helped so much in my journey! I was able to realize the why’s behind the action and have been working on them since.

Step #2: Spiritual Recovery

While in treatment, I realized that I also needed to heal myself spiritually.

I started praying to know what I could do to help mend the damage I had inflicted on my spiritual health.

Through personal prayer, therapy and occasional check ups with my dad, I came to the conclusion that I needed to attend the temple.

I began to attend the temple with my eating disorder recovery in mind.

Me and friend at temple

During this time, I learned a lot about the importance of the covenants we make and how the story of the Creation gives us power over Satan. I learned about my relationship with God, Jesus Christ, the Priesthood, and garments.

To learn more about Garments, click HERE

In this time, my garments helped me remember that I was not a victim but that I was a conqueror. I was (am) a daughter of Heavenly Parents and because of that, I could overcome this challenge.

Every time I went to the temple, I was able to learn something new about my eating disorder recovery journey.

Step #3: Support System

I was blessed with amazing people in my life who helped me along the way.

Family is usually a good place to start for support.

After professional and spiritual help, I became comfortable telling people that I was struggling with an eating disorder. For the most part, I got a really loving and supportive responses. Turns out a lot of people have suffered from eating disorders!

Knowing that some of my friends and family knew helped me feel accountable. I wanted to impress them, so I worked really hard to heal myself and stop the behavior.

Never underestimate the value of a good support system!

You never know who you could help or who could help you.

Therapy, Temple attendance, and a strong support system was my trifecta for healing.

Please know that I was not able to overcome this in one day. I had quite a few relapses over the course of five years. Relapsing does not mean that you are a failure. That is why support systems, maintaining spiritual health, and therapy are always good things to continue.

I hope this article can help you in your eating disorder recovery. And if you are feeling a lack of support in your life, check out the first link I have included below. It’s a community of people, all over the world, who are working to overcome their personal eating disorders and are sharing their stories. It’s wonderful.

Thank you for reading my journey. Please let me know what has helped you!

Additional Resources:

Bulimia Recovery:


Church Stories:


Warning signs:


A change in perspective:


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1 Comment
  • Catherine says:

    This is an excellent summary of your journey through your eating disorder. You are brave and strong when you face the demons that are present to bring you down.
    Thank you for sharing. That takes a lot of courage and temperance.

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