5 Steps to happy camping with your baby

5 Steps to happy camping with your baby

Camping with your baby can be daunting!

Especially a baby who sometimes needs oxygen at night. But we will get into the oxygen aspect in a different article.

Our first attempt at camping with Rufus did not work out.

Why? Because I had a stress dream that a bear was trying to eat Rufus and that I would have to fight off the bear. It was completely unrealistic and despite the fact that I’ve been camping since I can remember, it freaked me out!

The odds of this dream fulfilling itself is slim. But it FREAKED ME OUT! So we did a mountain cookout instead.

Having a mountain cookout really helped quail my fears and the following weekend, we actually ended up camping in Yellowstone National Park with our five month old baby who needs oxygen to breath at night.

It was a raging success! He had fun, probably, slept through the night, and most importantly, he lived!

So to help you, here are the 5 Steps to Happy Camping with your baby

  1. Take a deep, calming breath.
    • Remember that he’s just a baby and baby’s are durable little things! Think about the amazing memories you will be making with your family. Realize that it will be a fun learning experience.
  2. Pack your car.
    • Double check what you have packed and then pack up baby. (I will be writing about baby camping essentials next time).
  3. Arrive.
    • Once you get to your campsite, just be there for a minute. Tell your baby that this is where you will be sleeping and let him know all the fun things you will be doing together.
  4. Set up pack n’ play.
    • This is surprisingly important. It’ll allow you the opportunity to set your baby down and get everything else situated without worrying about him eating rocks or something.
  5. Go on a walk/hike.
    • Let him play in dirt, water, or whatever else. Sit in your chair. Snap 1,000,000 pictures of baby being cute. Relax and enjoy your first camping trip together and recognize that it’ll all be worth it!

And boom! You now know the 5 steps to happy camping with your baby.

Follow me for more fun stuff on babies, adventure, family, mommying, spirituality, life, and whatever else.

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