Baby Camping Essentials

Baby Camping Essentials


Those were literally my first thoughts when we started planning our first camping trip with our baby. What are the baby camping essentials?

Our first trip we were… a tad bit over prepared. By our last camping trip of the season, we had it all figured out.

Here is my list of baby camping essentials.

  • Pack and Play. This is an absolutely essential item when camping with your wee one.
  • Weather appropriate jammies. We live in the Rocky Mountains of Montana and it gets cold. That means we bring fleece jammies.
  • Sleep sacks. All the sleep sacks we can fit on him. I think the most we did was 2. That kept him warm, combined with the other things listed.
  • Baby beanie. For his head.
  • Baby socks or gloves: You definitely don’t want their cute little hands to freeze off, so this is a must.
  • Thick blanket. This goes over the pack and play to keep him warm through the night.
  • Lots of water. If you are breast feeding, you will want to stay super hydrated because your babies only liquids are likely coming from you. If you are not breast feeding, then you’ll need plenty of water to make your formula.
  • Stroller or carrier: Depending on where you are going, this is definitely a baby camping essentials. If you are camping somewhere like Yellowstone, a stroller should suffice, but if you are somewhere less developed, you’ll need a carrier.

There aren’t many baby camping essentials.

Because the rest is obvious. You will need clothes, diapers, jackets, food… you know. The basics. The things I listed above are things that you will need on any and all campout no matter what. The rest is location and baby specific.

Good luck and have fun!

Remember that babies don’t mean an end of fun, they just mean that your fun needs a slight revision 🙂

Please feel free to leave me any questions, comments or concern below. And now that you know what baby camping essentials to bring, go read up on the 5 steps to happy camping with your baby.

Thank you!

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