Mormons and Women

Mormons and Women

Now days, the -ist train is the train to be on. People seem to enjoy pointing fingers at this person…

Mormons and Baptisms for the dead

Mormons and Baptisms for the dead

Baptisms for the dead sounds kinda creepy. My husband, Patrick. If you have met a Mormon, talked to that Mormon,…

Mormons and Baptisms for the dead
How to Hike with a baby on oxygen

How to Hike with a baby on oxygen

All during my pregnancy, I was so excited to take our baby hiking. When he was a week old, it…

How to fly with a baby in 5 simple steps

How to fly with a baby in 5 simple steps

Before our little Rufus was born… We had grand plans to fly with him to a new country and to…

How to fly with a baby in 5 simple steps
Baby Camping Essentials

Baby Camping Essentials

WHAT DO I BRING??? Those were literally my first thoughts when we started planning our first camping trip with our…

How to road trip with two babies in 5 easy steps

How to road trip with two babies in 5 easy steps

A couple months ago my friend Grace agreed to go on a really long road trip with two babies and…

How to road trip with two babies in 5 easy steps
5 Steps to happy camping with your baby

5 Steps to happy camping with your baby

Camping with your baby can be daunting! Especially a baby who sometimes needs oxygen at night. But we will get…

A Letter to my readers…

A Letter to my readers…

Dear Readers, Hello! I have been gone a while. With having a baby, working full time, and trying to play…

A Letter to my readers…
Oh Baby Boxes!

Oh Baby Boxes!

Any woman who has ever been pregnant loves being pampered. Especially near the end of pregnancy. You’re feeling bloated, hungry…

What is Fasting? – Covid 19 Edition.

What is Fasting? – Covid 19 Edition.

President Nelson, the leader of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints asked everyone in the world to fast….

What is Fasting? – Covid 19 Edition.

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