How to Hike with a baby on oxygen

How to Hike with a baby on oxygen

All during my pregnancy, I was so excited to take our baby hiking.

When he was a week old, it was discovered that he had dangerously low oxygen levels. The doctors told us that until we figured out what it was, he would have to be on oxygen.

Patrick and I were a bit bummed. We thought we wouldn’t be able to do a whole lot with him. However, we overcame this obstacle.

This isn’t a hiking picture. It’s just a picture.

How to Hike with a baby on Oxygen

Step 1: Take a deep breath. I know from personal experience that it’s hard to feel like you can simply go out with a baby on Oxygen. But you can! (Depending on your doctor’s opinion)

Step 2: Get your travel tank and canula, baby carrier (at this time we were using our baby ergo), and whatever else you will need for a hike.

Step 3: Once you get to the trail head, situate your baby in his pack, put your oxygen tank one your back, thread the canula to his little nose. We found it was easier to hike with the canula tube under our arm.

Step 4: Hike on! Go as slow as you need. Take breaks for your baby to stretch a little and to adjust tubes.

Step 5: Take pictures! Because I forgot to.

As you can see, it isn’t too hard. Again depending on the level of needed oxygen and other variable. Also, I am not a doctor so before you go on a hike with a baby on oxygen, you should discuss it with your care provider. We didn’t do that, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t either.

Enjoy the mountain!

For some tips on going camping with your baby, click HERE!

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