Liebster Award 2019 Nominee: Clara The Exploradora

Liebster Award 2019 Nominee: Clara The Exploradora

As a new blogger on the world wide web, I am honored to have been nominated for the Liebster Award by YOUR CRUISE GIRL.

What is the Liebster Award?

Back in 2011 an Australian based internet initiative began and the Liebster Award was born.

Liebster is a German word that means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, favorite, endearing, and welcome. The concept is to “pay it forward” to other bloggers to help all of us gain a little more recognition.

YOUR CRUISE GIRL is a fun and engaging blog that is all about cruises. If you are planning or desiring to go on a cruise, she is your all-knowing guru who can help you plan the best trip!

Thank you for the nomination, Ola!

Once you are nominated, there are several rules…tasks to follow in order to be considered for the Liebster 2019 award. 

The rules are:

  • Post a story about the Liebster Award on your blog with these points.
  • Thank the blogger that nominated you, and link to their blog.
  • List the Liebster Award 2019 rules in your blog post.
  • Nominate 2 to 6 bloggers that inspire you with great content and let them know.
  • Answer the 5 or more questions set by your nominator and provide new creative questions for those you’ve nominated.
  • Link to the original Liebster Award 2019 post tagged here.
  • Submit your entry at the Liebster Award site. The entry with the most creative questions will be selected for that year’s winner.

Question from Your Cruise Girl

  1. What movie universe would you most like to live in? – There is only one right answer to this question and it’s Harry Potter. None of the Fantastic Beasts nonsense… that’s all garbage. Just Harry Potter world.
  2. What are some small things that make your day better? Waking up with my dog sharing my pillow, some sunlight, when my music shuffle is on point, and my nieces and nephews.
  3. What age do you wish you could permanently be? Why? I would definitely want to be 5-8 forever. It is the most fun age in the whole world. I had some of my best adventures then. My memories are of endless sunshine and play time with my friends.
  4. What is your favorite genre of book? Movie? Fantasy. It keeps me young and my imagination working. My favorite movie genre… I like stuff that isn’t too real but real enough that you could believe it. So like Wonder Woman, Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure, Captain Fantastic, and many others. I could go on for days about this.
  5. What is the most heartwarming thing you’ve ever seen? Ever seen? Man.. There’s a lot. I would have to say in my recent years, seeing my dog melt the hearts of the most gruff men. And when I say gruff, I mean, I lived in a town where people lived because they hate society and are grumpy, curmudgeony old farts. My dog can melt that all away.
  6. What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives? Travel alone. It is empowering, you learn a lot about yourself and other people, and it helps solidify world views.
  7. What is your dream car? Audi. All of them. I just want fast cars.
  8. Where is the most interesting place you’ve been? Interesting is a very subjective word. I would have to say interesting as in most bizarre to my lifestyle was Newport, Oregon. I was couch surfing there and had emailed a few people and got invited to an Art Barn Farm Party. It was bizarre and really cool to see. Or Argentina on Christmas Eve. That is crazy, too.
  9. What amazing thing have you done that no one was around to see? I had a face off with a bear in Ketchikan, Alaska. Here I was minding my own business, waiting for my tour group to show up, and a bear just walked out of the woods and came right by me. The only amazing thing I did in this situation was not get attacked.
  10. What movie title best describes your life? Haha I don’t know. I’m gonna have to think about this a long while… (4 hours later) Beauty and the Beast. Not because I’m the most beautiful singer/book reader ever but because I relate to Belle’s need to escape the norm and the fact that she found herself with the most unlikely partner in life.

My Nominations are…

Planning Away– Lisa’s blog is crisp and inspirational. She has amazing content on her blog that aims to inspire! Her objective is to help people plan their dream trips!

Born to Be Boomers– I am not quite over the age of 50 but I still find their blog very easy to relate to. I enjoy seeing how fun they are and lifestyle they lead.

Traveling Tanya – I’ve loved following Tanya’s adventures over the last few months. Her site provides great tips and tricks to traveling along with an uplifting vibe.

My questions for my Nominees are…

  1. If you could be any food, what would you be?
  2. What is your favorite song to sweat to?
  3. Mountains or beach? Why?
  4. If you had to deal with any Greek God or Goddess, who would you pick?
  5. What are peoples’ first impressions of you?
  6. What is the worst thing you ever did as a kid?
  7. What is your childhood nick name?
  8. If you could be any body of water, which one would you be?
  9. If you could live a day in the life of anything what/who would you pick?
  10. Which character from any book or TV show/movie reminds you of yourself?

Congrats to all the Nominees! I’ve appreciated the opportunity to nominate you all! I’ve very much loved your blogs so keep up the good work!

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