WE THE PEOPLE: The Constitution doesn’t give a crap about your feelings.

WE THE PEOPLE: The Constitution doesn’t give a crap about your feelings.

*This is article was written by one of my favorite guest writers; My husband. He has very passionate feelings about We the People I hope you enjoy his perspective on the Constitution as much as I do!*

The Constitution doesn’t give a crap about your feelings.

Whether it’s the Fourth of July or the sixth of January, the Constitution does not care. Whether you’re heterosexual or non-binary. Whether you’re liberal or libertarian. Whether you defend it or defile it. The Constitution has one purpose, one objective, summarized in three simple words: We the People.

On the Fourth of July, when the whole country seems more divided than ever, I would like us to reflect on the Constitution’s three simple words…

From Tea to Tyrants

I love blowing stuff up for America.

Whether it’s democracies abroad, or civil liberties at home, or fireworks in your neighbor’s yard, there are a lot of things that have been blown up for America. It’s our oldest tradition.

Like all kids who finally moved out of their parents’ house, we went a bit overboard (with the tea). We went a little crazy (like King George). But, now that we’re a little older, I hope we can all appreciate the mistakes that we’ve made and the things we’ve accomplished.

We have built a lot of great things.

And we’ve destroyed a lot of good things, too.

But We the People made a huge step forward for the entire world in destroying one thing we should all be able to agree on needing destroying…


And we didn’t just do it with guns and flags and laws. We helped destroy tyranny with three simple words.

WE THE PEOPLE; the fight against tyranny.

Now, we are becoming increasingly afraid of tyranny creeping back into our society. It’s something that scares so many of us. The great thing is…both sides of the political spectrum agree. Almost everyone in America agrees that tyranny is a bad thing. We just disagree on what is truly tyrannical.

That is the challenge for our society…to decide on what is tyrannical. 

Is it vaccine mandates or teaching gender identities in school? Is it prohibiting abortion or unregulated machine gun sales? 

Determining what actions are unconstitutional should all come down to the question: does this limit tyranny in our politics? And we can’t rely on the Supreme Court to make these decisions. We must make these decisions together; as We the People.

Working together is hard.

And our feelings get in the way of sticking to our original commitment: securing the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

If you are prioritizing your feelings over higher virtues of governance and organization, then you will always get hurt. You will always lose. Because things will always change. Things will never stop changing. And unless you can commit to a principal like WE THE PEOPLE, none of it will matter.

And we all will end up with our feelings getting forked.

*Would you like to read up on what Mormons (members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe about the Constitution? READ THhttps://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2021/04/51oaks?lang=engIS ARTICLE!*
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